Grandparents dance on Kolaveri Di taking the social media on the storm!

Even if there may not be any criticism of the TikTok app, some of its videos not only go viral but also touch the heart. One such video is going viral in which the grandmother-daughter duo sings 'Kolaveri Di...' is doing the on-the-go. You'll also laugh at a video of the same. Let's also show you this TikTok video of grandma and grandchildren.

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In the video, Grandma is giving her grandchildren a full look and super-cute. A Twitter user shared the video and tweeted, "Some videos of TikTok are super-cute." The video was liked by people and was flooded with comments. Here's what people have commented on this video.

Interestingly, there are more videos of Grandma shared by TikTok user @akshaypartha. There are many more videos that can be viewed on social media. Watch these videos right now.

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