Lack of physical activites in schools leads to enter several problems on them

School year found 36 percent of school districts across the state did not meet the state mandate. The law requires that kids get 90-minutes of physical activity per week in school. Five local school districts were not in compliance, including Carter, Greene, Hawkins, and Johnson counties along with the city of Kingsport.

Tennessee Department of Education Physical Activity/Physical Education Annual Report for the 2014-2015 McLain director of schools for Greene County Schools. believes his district was in compliance and said part of the problem could come from the self-reporting that is completed at the local level. “Maybe some of the reporting at the school level they weren’t aware that we could utilize things such as recess or brain breaks.”

Dr. Ford said, “For the first time in many generations children are experiencing type-two diabetes. People who trained me never saw that in children. But I see it almost every day.” If parents are concerned about their child’s level of activity, Dr. Ford said first make sure kids are getting “60 minutes of moderate to high activity a day and… the kid should get sweaty, feel a little winded.” He also suggested finding and doing something you love to promote consistency

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