Leafy greens are sugar filled,admirable for gut health!

London: Green vegetables are often dislike by the people, though it is full of nutritional value like vitamins ,minerals and phytonutrients. That’s why  every children forced by their parents to eat leafy vegetables.

Scientists, proved that for better gut health leafy vegetables alike spinach, cabbage, coriander are good because strange sugar molecule found in it and this are more beneficial for stomachs.  

As a result, it helps to develop good bacteria by limiting bad one. Green vegetables are crucial for feeding good gut bacteria.

Researchers diagnosed a formerly far-off enzyme used by bacteria, fungi and another organisms to grub on the unusual but sufficient sugar sulfoquinovose(SQ).

Researchers from Melbourne and UK was conducted a study and declared that every year green vegetables produce a larger number of sugar, which can be compared with the world’s total annual iron ore production. This study published in the Nature Chemical Biology’s journal. 

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