Lemon and curry leaves with curd help you to blacken hair

If a girl's hair becomes white it turns a big problem for her. No girl likes to look aged. The whiteness of hair completely spoils any girl's personality. To make your hair dark, girls use hair colors found in the market. These hair colors have the chemicals which can damage the health of hair. Today we are going to tell you a recipe that you can use to make white hair easily black.

Curry leaves are used in all houses. It helps in increasing the taste and aroma of food. You can also make your white hair black by using it.

Yogurt is very beneficial for hair. It helps to darken hair by deep conditioning. There are plenty of antibacterial properties in yogurt, which helps to overcome the problem of dandruff.

The use of lemon is also very beneficial for hair. There are plenty of bleaching properties in lemon, which help to overcome the problem of dandruff.

To blacken hair, firstly put curry leaves in a glass of water and boil well. When the water is halfway, filter it and cool it. Now add one spoon of curd and one teaspoon lemon juice into your hair. Wash your hair with clean water after 2 hours. Using this prescription for 15 consecutive days your black hair will turn into white hair .

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