Lemon grass keeps blood pressure in control

Lemon grass is a kind of grass which is very beneficial for our health; Lemon grass is used by most people to make tea. In Lemon Grass, vitamin A, vitamin c, folate, folc acid, magnesium, zinc, copper, iron, potassium, phosphorus, calcium and manganese are present in abundance, today we are going to tell you about some of the benefits of lemon grass. is.

1- If you consume lemon grass on a regular basis, it always keeps the cholesterol level in your body; besides, everyday pressure of your lemon grass always keeps you in control.

2- Lemon grass is rich in anti-bacterial and anti-fungus properties, which work to protect our body against diseases such as cough, cold and fever. In addition lemon grass is rich in vitamin C which strengthens the immune power of the body,

3- Lemon Grass contains abundant amounts of antiseptic compound, due to which the bacteria in our body end up in the root of the bacteria, and with its intake increases the growth of good bacteria in the body, regular lemon By consuming grams, you get relief from stomach disorders, you can get rid of problems such as constipation, diarrhea, indigestion, flatulence, stomachache etc.


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