Less sleep doubles the risk of heart attack: Report

Taking a sufficient amount of sleep nowadays has become a huge exception. Lack of sleep invites many diseases in the body. It has been found in a research that in people sleeping for five hours or less, the risk of heart attack or stroke doubles. There was no clear evidence in the previous study that whether sleeping is related to heart disease in the future. This time, this risk has been studied on the men of 50 years of age. 

Research says that sleep helps us to keep our heart healthy. This study found that those who sleep over an hour more in the night, they have less heart disease than others. People with less than seven hours of sleep have a higher risk of heart disease.


Whether a person has a sleep problem or not, the doctor needs to consider several aspects. The doctor has to study not only the hours of sleep but also its quality. Insomnia i.e. wakes up at midnight, point to something wrong. But, those who sleep too much do not realize that they are also battling with any sleep-related problem.

How much sleep is beneficial?

In general, women sleep more than men. If you are lying and you have time to sleep in five minutes or so, then understand that you are a victim of low sleep, but if you take twenty-five minutes, then your sleep is complete.

Sleeping as you go to bed does not mean that you are normal. Generally sleeping for six hours is enough for the adult. Those who work more mentally, need seven to eight hours of sleep, and those who are less tired are more likely to sleep for five hours. Eight hours of sleep is essential for teenagers and children.

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