Listening to your wife is the key to Happy life: Research

Good communication is a must for a happy married life. Regardless of how long the relationship has passed, the husband and wife should talk and listen to each other. Women often think that their talks are being ignored whereas men do not consider those things so important that they are pay attention. This situation can also be reversed. And perhaps this is the reason why instead of understanding each other, many complains arise. Both feel that there is no emotional connection between them as there should be between a husband and wife.

A wife feels that their husbands never understand their point, but rather tries to explain things in his own way. According to experts, it is important to have mutual conversations for a happy married life. Whether the marriage is new or the relationship has passed in so many years, the husband and wife should talk to each other and listen to each other. 

Studies say that an average person spends 45 to 70 percent of the day listening to others. But during your every 24 hours, quality time is very low, with your partner. Most couples communicate meaningfully for nine minutes on an average every day. If you are not giving time to listen then perhaps you are losing the opportunity to understand the subtle signs that how your partner is feeling, which could possibly bring you closer to the bitterness in the relationship. 

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