Rash in the stomach is a symptom of liver cancer, avoid eating these things

You all know that the human body produces new cells according to its need. Yes, and there is a group of some cells that grow and grow uncontrollably. In such a situation, their growth is not controlled. These cells are called cancer cells. Many times our liver also becomes a victim of cancer. In such a situation, today we are going to tell you the symptoms of liver cancer, the causes of liver cancer and home remedies.

Symptoms of liver cancer- Sudden loss of weight. Feeling abnormal fatigue. Pain in the upper part of the back, around the joint of the right shoulder. Having jaundice. A feeling of discomfort in the upper right part of the abdomen. In the right part of the abdomen, the feeling of a hard lump beneath the rib cage. Swelling in the stomach. Loss of appetite and/or nausea.

Causes of liver cancer- Drinking too much and continuously. Viral hepatitis, especially with hepatitis B and D. Infections by parasites such as liver fluke. Chronic hepatitis B infection. Chronic hepatitis C infection. Have a family history of both hepatitis B and liver cancer. Cirrhosis of the liver. Obesity.

Home Remedies - * Change the diet or eating habits. Water keeps the liver clean and healthy. Drink plenty of water. Also, do not eat and drink red meat and alcohol. Eat more calorie foods, because there is less appetite in liver cancer, so when you feel like eating, eat the food that has a high amount of calories. Along with fruits, vegetables, garlic, seasonal, green tea, avocado, turmeric, walnuts, papaya, etc., all such fruits and vegetables should be included which make the liver healthy. * Taking two orange juice on an empty stomach keeps the liver safe. Apart from this, eating a brinjal raw cures liver diseases. * Drink dabh (coconut) water. * Drink barley water. * Consume buttermilk regularly. * Eat sprouted chickpeas for breakfast in the morning * Drink sprouted dana fenugreek juice * Regular intake of carrot-tomatoes.

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