London's pro-Palestinian activists stage a emergency protest in response to Israeli attacks

London:  Outside the Israeli embassy in London, the capital of the UK, pro-Palestinian activists staged a "emergency protest" on Saturday calling for sanctions against Israel over its most recent acts of violence against Palestinians at the Al-Aqsa mosque.

On Wednesday, Israeli police and Palestinians fought inside the sensitive Al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem. Israel then bombarded Gaza and Lebanon in retaliation for rocket fire from Palestinian militants.

Israel also shelled the besieged Gaza Strip last night, damaging Durra Children's Hospital and hurting a 12-year-old child, according to Friends of Al-Aqsa, a non-profit NGO based in the UK that works to protect Palestinians' human rights.

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At the Muslim holy site in Jerusalem on Wednesday, Israeli occupation forces beat worshippers with batons and rifles, according to a statement from FOA. "Today Israeli forces used rubber-coated bullets, stun grenades and tear gas to attack Palestinian men, women and children."

Furthermore, it stated that "Israeli attacks on Palestinian worshippers at Al-Aqsa are increasing, especially during Ramadan, under Israel's brutal apartheid regime and illegal occupation."

"Enough is enough," declared FOA founder and chair Dr. Ismail Patel. We need sanctions against Israel right away; we don't need statements or words of condemnation from our lawmakers or leaders.

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The Stop the War Coalition, Palestine Solidarity Campaign, Muslim Association of Britain, Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, and Palestinian Forum in Britain worked together with FOA to plan the protest.

According to Patel, "it's time to hold Israel accountable for its ongoing crimes against Palestinians, repeated brutal beatings of Palestinian worshippers, and violations of international law."

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"The British government would not hesitate to impose sanctions today if these attacks were carried out by any other country," he said.

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