Madhya Pradesh: Floor test case in Supreme Court postponed till tomorrow

New Delhi: On Wednesday, a hearing was held on the plea of BJP leader and former CM of the state Shivraj Singh Chauhan to conduct a majority test. However, no decision could be taken on this matter in the apex court on Wednesday and the hearing was adjourned for Thursday. Earlier, during the hearing, many arguments were made from both sides.

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On the one hand, the Congress says that MLA is not free, it is not appropriate to conduct floor test. Whereas Maninder Singh, counsel for the rebel MLAs, claimed that 22 MLAs have resigned voluntarily and have filed an affidavit in due course. He said that he is also ready to submit the CD to the court. Maninder Singh said that MLA does not want to come to Bhopal and meet Congress, in such a situation, they cannot be forced to do so.

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Counsel for rebel MLAs said that it is the constitutional right of legislators to resign and the Speaker's duty to decide on it, he cannot keep the resignations hanging. Meanwhile, advocate Mukul Rohatgi, on behalf of the BJP, argued that the Congress party wants the MLA to come to Bhopal to impress them. Their purchases can be sold. He said that when the MLA does not want to meet the Congress party, then why is the Congress wanting to meet them.

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