Dhritarashtra returns to Pandavas lost kingdom after Draupadi's 'Cheerharan'

In the last episode of TV serial Mahabharat, a well-known television channel being telecast on Doordarshan, you saw that Dushasan tries to dissuade Draupadi at the behest of Duryodhana in the filled court but is not able to succeed. Seeing this behavior with her, Draupadi's blood boils and she decides to curse the Kauravas. There was a lot of uproar in the court in this evening's episode. Gandhari stops her as soon as Panchali raises her hand to curse the Kauravas. After which Gandhari fiercely molests all his sons and questions Dhritarashtra.

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Seeing the anger of Gandhari, Dhritarashtra asks Draupadi to ask for a boon. Draupadi asks for freedom from her kingship and the nemesis of the five husbands, Duryodhana's blood boils after giving Dhritarashtra's boon but Shakuni silences him. Karna praises Draupadi. Hearing the name of Panchali from Karna's mouth, Arjun and Bhima flare up and shout for war. On the other hand, Kunti comes to meet her patriarch Draupadi. She explains to Draupadi and says that her son is a coward.

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Being a Pandava, treating Draupadi is not less than a sin. The Kauravas will surely be punished for this mistake. In the Mahabharata story, Gandhari expresses his anger at Vidur and reminds him of the dignity of his family. Gandhari is surprised to see the silence of Draunacharya, Dhratarashtra and Bhishma Pitamah. After which Guru goes to talk to Donacharya and Bhishma Pitamah about this. During the conversation, Bhishma Pitamah reveals that in the coming time, all the people will have to bear the brunt of Draupadi's incineration.

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