As many as 6 people from Madhya Pradesh lost their lives in the Mahakumbh stampede caused early Wednesday at the Triveni Sangam on the occasion of Mauni Amavasya. The death toll due to the stampede continues to soar, with at least 30 people dead and 60 injured so far. With 6 people from Madhya Pradesh reported dead, several others are still unaccounted for, declared missing. As informed by the officials, those dead include men from Gwalior, Narmadapuram, Raisen, and Bhopal districts, along with two women from Chhattarpur. On Thursday, the officials confirmed that a woman from Lodhi Kuiya in Chhattarpur, named Sheela Soni was among the deceased. Her daughter in law Suman Soni said that Sheela had gone to Prayagraj along with her family to take the holy dip in the Sangam. During the stampede she got separated from the group and couldn’t be found despite all the efforts. Later on, the family learnt that Sheela had succumbed to death, following the injuries while undergoing treatment. The last rites of Sheela Soni were conducted in Prayagraj. Other victims who lost their lives during the stampede include Brijmohan Sharma who hailed from Semra, Berasia (Bhopal) who collapsed seeing the surging crowd and later on died in the hospital, Umesh Sarathe from Barod, Narmadapuram who was injured in the rush during the stampede and passed away during treatment. Mohanlal Ahirwar from Udaimho-Jaitpur, Raisen who was travelling with his wife died in the incident, and Kamta Prasad Lal (47) from Tekanpur lost his life feeling unwell before he collapsed outside the tent. As of now, the search is still on for those allegedly missing. Uttar Pradesh CM Yogi Adityanath has ordered a judicial probe into the matter already, and has even ordered for stricter measures to be followed by the administration. Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Dr. Mohan Yadav who is currently on his visit to Japan has also expressed grief over the tragic incident, Thursday morning. He said, “Yesterday, on the occasion of Mauni Amavasya, a tragic incident happened during the ‘Sangam Snan.’ A lot of people lost their lives. May their soul rest in peace. I received information that of the deceased people, three were from Madhya Pradesh. I request you all to stay safe, wherever you all are.” Dr. Mohan Yadav also talked to the Chief Secretary and Rewa Division Commissioner commanding for proper arrangements for the devotees travelling to the Kumbh Mela at the MP-UP borders. He has been in continuous touch with his team, closely monitoring the situation. The CM also announced for 2 lakh ex-gratia for the victim families. The family members of the dead mourn the loss of their loved ones, while some are still in wait for the return of the missing.