Meiraba Luwang clinches Bangladesh Junior International Series title, won the trophy for the second time

India's young badminton player Meiraba Luwang performed the title of Bangladesh Junior International Series 2019 on Sunday i.e. 22 December 2019, performing according to her top preference. With this victory, he won his second trophy in two months.

According to media reports, it has been learned that earlier he won the boys' singles under-19 title in the Wonchion Yonex Korea Junior Open International Challenge last month. Top seed Meiraba won the match in just 38 minutes and captured the title.

It is also being said that the Manipur player defeated Ken Yong Ong of Malaysia 21-14 21-18. Meiraba defeated another Malaysian M Fazerik Mohammad Rizvi in the semi-finals. He was one of the five Indians in the main draw.

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