Major Symptoms of Breast Cancer

Amongst the various types of cancers prevailing in our society, Breast cancer counts amongst the most common cancer found in Women. A lot of awareness is being spread across the world regarding the same but certain myths still continue to keep us apart from the real facts.

A major cause of the increased number of deaths due to this cancer is the delayed detection of the disease or often cases have been reported where breast cancer was detected after the patient died.

Here are some ways you could examine your breast and identify if there is any sort of an issue with it.


1. A Lump:

Examine your breast properly. If you feel the presence of any sort of a lump or hard knots in your breast, armpit or even the arms, you must approach a doctor for further diagnosis.

2. Change in size:

Well, the size of the breast changes according to the menstrual cycle. But if you notice an unusual change in your breast size then do not delay to consult the doctor. 

3. Skin of the breast:

If you notice any sort of skin rash or redness around your breast area, do consult a doctor. Also, check the skin around your nipples. If you notice any sort of changes around it, like the sunken skin or any sort of fluid discharge, then do not hesitate to see a doctor.

4. Breast pain: 

Examine your breast, if you feel any sort of pain then it could be a symptom of cancer.

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Pain in the breast – Check with your doctor if you feel constant pain or tenderness in the breast.

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