Make Mug Pizza for your kids at home with this easy recipe

Nowadays children are fond of eating fastfood too, so they like things like pizza, burgers or sandwiches. These things are available in market but it can be unhealthy or unhygenic. So today we are going to tell you about the recipe to make pizza in just two minutes at home,


Maida- ¼ cup, baking powder- ⅛th teaspoon, baking soda- 1 / 16th teaspoon, salt- according to taste, olive oil- 1 tbsps, milk- 3 tbsps, pizza sauce or tomato sauce- 2 tsp, mozarella cheese- a handful of olive oil -  Pinch filled with olive pins - Pinch, chilli flakes - Pinch, Orignano - Pinch filled


1- To make pizza, add flour, baking powder, soda, salt, olive oil and milk to a coffee mug in the microwave.

2- Now spread it well by putting pizza sauce or tomato sauce on it.

3- Now put sauce over it and garnish with olive gourdpinos.

4- After decorating it sprinkle a bit of chilly flakes and organs over it.

5- Preheat the oven and bake it for 2 minutes.

 6- Your coffee mug is ready for pizza. Serve it hot.

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