Make your Holi with natural colors!

Holi is one of the most colorful festivals in the world especially India. It comes up with lot of fun and delightful celebration. But, the colors used during the festival can cause some side effects to your shiny hair, beautiful skin, nails.

So, enjoy your Holi with natural colors without harming you and your family.

Red: Red is a color which brings life to your festival, to get this either use red sandalwood or red hibiscus flower dried in shade ,also rose dried petals are useful.

Yellow: Turmeric comes first in mind when think about natural yellow. Turmeric can be mixed with gram flour to create the healthiest color your face will ever come in contact with! You can also use crush the dried petals of flowers such as marigold and yellow chrysanthemum to make yellow colored powder.

Green: Henna powder which is used for the hair can use as a color during Holi. Mix it with any flour. You can also try the leaves of the gulmohar tree. 

Blue: Dried Jacaranda flower with any flour to add volume. You can also use blue hibiscus flowers .

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