Daddy ‘Thomas Romain’ turns his child's doodles into amazing ‘animation’

‘Father-Son’ relationship is the best thing in the world, having a boy child for any father is like having his own childhood on his lap. A dad enjoys his childhood with his child, play with him, have funny pictures, go for a walk and enjoys every bit moment of his life. Boy child always will always dream to watch superheroes’ movies with his dad, play police and detective game with him and to have fun with him.

Those dads who don’t have time for their children, should always remember that, today you can make money but later you won’t be able to make love. Till that time your love will be sacked out of your son’s heart, because in his childhood he missed all the love which a child should get from his dad.

Also Read: Cartoonist illustrates life by 'doing nothing alone vs doing nothing together' sketch

Here are some of the pictures, which are the doodles by the artist Thomas Romain’s son, he turned all the doodles into the ‘animated cartoons’.

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