Mango Cheesecake Recipe

Mango Cheesecake is a mouth-watering dessert recipe that you can prepare for your family and friends in summer season, as mangoes come in abundance at that time. A no-bake cheesecake recipe, it is prepared using mango pulp, skimmed milk, condensed milk, paneer, butter, digestive biscuits, and hung curd. This is an easy-to-make cake recipe that requires very less time to prepare and can be served on occasions like birthday, anniversary, and pot luck. Creamy and tangy, this cake will melt in your mouth in just a bite. So, try this easy recipe and enjoy with your loved ones!

Ingredients of Mango Cheesecake

2 cup mango pulp

10 digestive biscuits

1 cup skimmed milk

1 teaspoon gelatine

1 teaspoon mango essence

2 cup paneer

2 tablespoon butter

1/2 cup condensed milk

1/2 cup hung curd

1/2 cup powdered suga

How to make Mango Cheesecake

Step 1

Crush biscuits to a coarse powder into a bowl. Add butter in the bowl and mix well. Put this biscuit mixture at the base of a spring form pan (loose bottom pan) lined with parchment paper.

Step 2

Press the mixture lightly and place it in the refrigerate to set. Now, heat skimmed milk in a pan and add condensed milk in it too. Cook the milk while stirring continuously till you achieve the desired thickness. Set aside.

Step 3

Mix gelatine in a little water and heat in the oven for one minute. Remove from the oven and set aside. Now, add hung yoghurt in a bowl and add paneer in it, whisk well to make a paste.

Step 4

Then, add mango pulp in the yoghurt mixture and whisk once again to prepare the batter. Finally, add mango essence in the batter along with milk mixture. Mix well all the ingredients. Now, add powdered sugar in the bowl and blend with a hand blender. Add the dissolved gelatine in the bowl and blend once again.

Step 5

Pour this cake mix into the tin over the biscuit layer and refrigerate the mixture for 3 hour. Put a layer of mango pulp on the set cheesecake and chill until the cake is all set.

Step 6

Once the cake is done, remove it from the pan and cut with a sharp knife dipped in hot water. Serve chilled.

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