Tamil television popular show Bigg Boss is currently making headlines, while Meera Mithun, who attended the Bigg Boss 3 event, went to Mumbai to participate in a promotional photoshoot. There she posted videos and pictures of Monorail on Twitter. While Meera has also posted a video of herself walking on the road of Mumbai while smoking. Those who watched that video has said, "Emma Meera, you said that I have no habit of smoking. what is its name? Is there no cost to lie?" RRR movie poster released, will hit theaters by 2020 According to the information received from the same sources, the fans said- "See yourself and follow us on Twitter, this is what we want, and still want this. You say, big supermodel, a famous actress. But you do not see star hotels or cars. If you look at your dress, the action is different. That is how we understand your character through Bigg Boss Show. So we will not just assume that you are good at what you do. Do not spoil the name just by releasing the video". Sethupathi can be the part of Narasimha Reddy's next film "Do not go to Mumbai at midnight and do not blow the dignity of Tamil women in the air. If you are a big model, keep it with you. It sounds like you are looking for a free classified. He said that if you focus on the job, then there is no need to search for such a cheap advertisement". Junior NTR to play role of his grandfather in this movie