If you want to look dashing then follow these tips

Whether it is a boy or a girl, there are many skin-related tips that you should follow regularly. Boys also have skin problems but sometimes they don't pay attention. However, today we're going to tell you how boys can keep their look perfect. If you also want to look like a Bollywood actor, keep these things in mind.

1. Facial cleansing is a must to avoid blackheads and pimples. Apply a good moisturizer after washing your face with a face wash every day. Wash your face even after coming out of the office.

2. Use eye cream before bedtime to avoid wrinkles. You can use the Alo Vera Gel instead of eye cream. Before going to bed, apply it on the undereye area and massage it.

3. If you have a beard, it is also important to keep it clean. Trim it regularly and wash it with shampoo or a facewash. Keep in mind that the quantity of these products is not high, which will eliminate natural oil from the beard and make it dry.

4. Winter or summer is a must for sunscreen skin in every season. It protects your skin from harmful rays of sunlight. Use sunscreen with 30 SPF 15 minutes before you get out of the house every day.

5. The skin of the lips is quite tender. So it needs to be taken care of. Use a good lip balm every day. Gentle lips make your personality even more dashing.

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