Men should not urinate... The truth will surprise you.

Men always urinate while standing. Even in the public toilet, there is an option for men to urinate while standing. Some time ago, an expert has warned about men standing and urinating. Experts say that men should sit instead of standing and resting because if you urinate in a vertical position, it can also give you many benefits. 

Doctors based in the Netherlands have revealed that sitting and urinating can prove to be very beneficial for men, especially those who are struggling with prostate problems. This is because sitting instead of standing up causes urination to come out of a lot of force. 

Doctors say that  if you stand and urinate, it shrinks the muscles of your pelvis and spine. In a 2014 study, experts have said that people have been sitting and urinating for many years. Doctors have also said that when people sit, it relaxes the pelvis and hip muscles, which makes it very easy to urinate. 

Dr. Jesse N. Mills, associate clinical professor at the UCLA Department of Urology, said that sitting and urinating can also be a good option for people who have trouble standing for long periods of time. "There are many people who feel that their bladder is not completely empty, so they sit and urinate," he said.

Dr. Mills has said while talking to a website that when you sit, you use your abdominal muscles more. By sitting and urinating in this way, your bladder becomes completely empty. However, research does not mean that everyone needs to sit while urinating. If you feel that your bladder becomes completely empty after urinating, then you can pass urine even while standing. But if you always feel your bladder full, then you have to contact the doctor for this. 

Professor Stegios Stelios Domoches, an obstetrician and gynecologist, had earlier said that if your bladder is not completely empty, then there may be many reasons behind it. If your bladder is not emptying properly, it can be caused by the stagnation of urine (also known as urinary retention) and which increases the risk of infection or bladder stones. Infection can lead to sepsis, or kidney infection. If you always see symptoms of not having a bladder empty, it is important that you see the doctor. The symptoms include too slow urinal edge, pressure to urinate, intermittent urination and time to urinate.

The NHS says that if you also have to face the problem of not being able to empty the bladder completely, then it can cause stone problems in the bladder. Experts explained that kidneys work to make urine. It is made up of water and waste things that the kidney separates from your blood. One of the waste products is urea which is made from nitrogen and carbon. If there is even a little urine left in your bladder, then the chemicals present in urea stick together and become crystals. Over time, these crystals become hard, due to which stones begin to form in the bladder.

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