Michael Holding wants to see this bowler playing in the playground

Veteran fast bowler Michael Holding of his time has included fellow pace bowlers Malcolm Marshall and Andy Roberts, and Australia's Dennis Lillee as well as South Africa's Dale Steyn among his favourite four fast bowlers. The 66-year-old former cricketer told SkySports Podcast that he was ready to spend money to see Stan, who retired from Test cricket last year, play.

Sanju Samson Rajasthan Royals told this player most difficult bowler Holding 249 wickets in 60 Tests in his career at an average of 23.68, he said, "I have experience playing with those three (Marshall, Roberts and Lily) but I only saw Stan playing and you see him from the picture Can not get out He has been a great fast bowler of an era. You can spend money to watch him play. ''

Crisis is still hovering over Olympics, organizers do not have any solution He said, "Lily had rhythm, aggression, control." Initially, he was quite fast but after a back injury, he had to completely change his action and had to find different ways to dismiss the batsmen. "Regarding his partner Marshall, Holding said," Malcolm He started with a good rhythm but with the passage of time he learned a lot about fast bowling. He used to assess batsmen very quickly and easily.

Former London Marathon champion fell in dope test About Roberts, he said, "I learned a lot from Andy. During my career, he was my partner in most of the rooms and we used to talk a lot on cricket almost every night. Many times we used to ask for food in our room and talk about cricket. You will not believe how much knowledge he had about cricket.

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