US Embassy attack on Iraq, American helicopters seen in the sky

Baghdad: Some time ago, tensions in the Gulf seem to be increasing. Last Saturday, rocket attacks took place on the Green Zone and US Airbase, a very safe area in Iraq's capital Baghdad. It is not yet clear who has attacked. However, Iran is believed to have carried out these attacks in retaliation after the death of its top commander Qasim Sulemani in the US drone attack in Baghdad on Friday. No casualties were reported in the attacks.

Four rockets were fired: According to sources, two mortars were fired in the Green Zone and two rockets were fired on the US airbase. The Green Zone is a very safe area in Baghdad, where the US Embassy is located. The Iraqi army says that one mortar exploded in the premises of the Green Zone enclave and the other near it. Immediately after the explosion, there was a sound of sirens echoing all around. The Iraqi military said that after the mortar attack, the Balad airbase north of Baghdad was targeted with two rockets. American forces live here.

The drone flew after the attack: It is also being said that surveillance drones started flying around the airbase soon after the attack. The US Embassy in Baghdad and about 5,200 US troops stationed in Iraq have faced several attacks in recent times. The US blames Iran for these attacks. In a similar attack in northern Iraq last week, the American contractor was killed. After this, 25 fighters were killed in US action, which is considered close to Iran. Tension between Iran and the United States increased when on Friday, the US killed Iran's top commander Qasim Sulemani in a drone strike in Baghdad. Sulaimani was targeted while exiting the airport there.

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