Military drills in South China Sea, Indian Ocean,will conducts by China

China: The military exercises in the disputed between South China sea, east Indian Ocean  and West Pacific kicked off by China ,which including advanced warships, helicopters and specific warfare soliders.

As per the report, three naval ships of China's Nanhai Fleet left a naval port in Sanya, Hainan Province on yesterday, kicking off an yearly combat drill in the South China Sea, east Indian Ocean and West Pacific.

The three ships consist of missile destroyer Hefei, missile frigate Sanya and resource ship Honghu.

They will far ahead be combined by missile slayers Lanzhou and Guangzhou, as well as missile frigate Yulin, which are now booming out other duties.

With three helicopters and dozens of "special warfare" soldiers, the navy will be unglued into three groups that will navigate to areas of the South China Sea, the east Indian Ocean and the west Pacific, to behaviour diverse drills.

The fleet will mobilise naval air force, garrison forces in the Xisha and Nansha islands, and forces of the Beihai Fleet along the way to take part in the drill.

“The drill goals to improve combat willingness and practise synchronization between ships and aircraft, and other forces”, the navy said.

According to the Navy,  “China claims almost the whole of the South China Sea - a major shipping lane rich in natural resources, resulting in corresponding claims with several other Asian nations like Vietnam and the Philippines, Malaysia and Brunei. They accuse China of illegally reclaiming land in contested areas to create artificial islands with facilities for military use.”

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