Study Reveals How Mobile Addiction Can Pose a Big Risk to Children

Recent research published in the Journal of the International Child Neurology Association highlights alarming trends concerning mobile addiction among children. According to Dr. Eric Sigman, a renowned psychologist, the excessive use of mobile phones and televisions is becoming a severe health concern globally. The study reveals that children aged one to fifteen who spend between one to four hours a day on screens face significant health risks.

Impact of Prolonged Screen Time on Children's Health 1. Physical Health Risks: Extended screen time has been linked to various physical health issues in children. The study points out that children who spend long hours in front of screens are at a higher risk of developing obesity. This is largely due to a sedentary lifestyle and poor dietary habits associated with excessive screen use. Additionally, the risk of developing heart-related diseases and type-2 diabetes is notably higher in these children.

2. Mental Health Implications: Prolonged exposure to screens can also affect children's mental health. Dr. Sigman's research indicates that excessive screen time may lead to mental health disorders such as anxiety and depression. Children might experience difficulties in emotional regulation, which can impact their social interactions and academic performance. Studies have shown that children with heavy screen use are more likely to exhibit signs of emotional and personality disorders, such as emotional instability and social withdrawal.

3. Cognitive Development: The cognitive development of children can also be hindered by extensive screen time. According to experts, the brain development in young children is significantly impacted by long periods of screen exposure. This can lead to issues such as impaired attention span, reduced problem-solving skills, and decreased cognitive abilities. Notably, around 22% of children who engage in prolonged screen use show symptoms of autism spectrum disorders, which may be linked to the disruption of normal cognitive development.

4. Eye Health: Another critical concern is the effect of screen time on eye health. Research published in BMC Public Health suggests that excessive screen time contributes to the deterioration of eye health. Children who spend a lot of time on screens may experience weakened eye muscles and increased risk of vision problems. This can lead to conditions such as digital eye strain, which manifests as dryness, irritation, and difficulty focusing.

Guidelines from the World Health Organization The World Health Organization (WHO) has set guidelines to mitigate the adverse effects of screen time on children. For children under the age of two, WHO recommends avoiding screen time entirely. For children aged two to five years, the organization advises limiting screen use to no more than three hours per week. These guidelines aim to ensure that children have sufficient time for physical activity and interaction with their environment, which is crucial for their overall development.

Dr. Rakesh K. Chadda, head of the psychology department at Amrita Hospital, emphasizes the importance of adhering to these guidelines. He warns that excessive screen time can lead to emotional personality disorders, where children may become isolated and experience difficulties in their educational performance.

Rising Food Allergies in Children In addition to screen time issues, another growing concern is the rise in food allergies among children. Recently, a 13-year-old girl experienced a severe allergic reaction after consuming hot chocolate at a Costa Coffee shop. This incident underscores the increasing prevalence of food allergies, which has been a subject of extensive research by institutions like the Natasha Allergy Research Foundation in the UK.

The Foundation's research indicates a significant rise in food allergy cases, particularly among children. This increase is attributed to various factors, including environmental changes, dietary habits, and genetic predispositions. The Foundation is actively working to raise awareness in schools and conduct further research to understand the underlying causes of food allergies.

The study underscores the critical need for parents and caregivers to monitor and limit screen time to safeguard children’s health. Coupled with rising food allergies, these issues highlight the importance of proactive health measures and awareness. By following recommended guidelines and staying informed, we can help ensure better physical and mental well-being for children.

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