Modi in interview; 'Hiding the nation’s economic scenario my biggest mistake since 2014'

In an interview;PM Narendra Modi opened his heart out by confessing his biggest mistake after forming the government at the Centre in May 2014.

He said when he entered the Parliament in 2014 the biggest challenge he faced was the dilemma of whether to let the nation know its actual economic conditions or not.

“If I had revealed the condition of the economy, the sense of frustration across the country would have become widespread. Politics demanded that I should reveal it, but the national interest said, I shouldn’t,” he said during the interview, adding, “I considered national interest as my priority.”

He also added that it was that decision which is showing its ramifications, as now, not only the country is moving on the right path of economic progress but also various international organizations are coming forward in praise of the policies adapted by the government.

It is also important to note that, though PM Modi calls it a case of putting the national interest forward, it can also be seen as a case of lack of sure-footedness and confidence on the part of the union government as if it had revealed it then, the future amelioration of the economy would have been a cherry on the top of the cake promulgating the success of Union Government. His statements come in the light of IMF praising the government on its passing of the GST Bill.  

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