MPs and Army officers detained for high profile sex racket

New Delhi:On Thursday, a high profile sex racket came on the headlines. It was smashed with arrest of 62-year-old man and detention of retired colonel in the national capital’s Safdarjung area.

The murky world where top defence personnel, politicians and corporate were supplied call girls to ink business and defence deals.

The Delhi police arrested Pritindra Nath Sanyal from his residence Safdarjung Enclave against whom the Income Tax authorities had sent a report containing details of illegal and criminal activities he was involved in.  The police has also detained a retired Colonel Ajay Ahlawat’s role.

Ishwar Singh, the Deputy Commissioner of Police said, “The Income Tax authorities carried out search and seizure operation in June 2, 2016 at the residences of accused Sanyal in Safdarjung Enclave, Vasant Kunj and Lucknow simultaneously. During search, incriminating documents indicating his involvements in illegal activities like human trafficking and impersonation came to light. He further pointed out that a 23-year-old foreign woman was also found at her residence that was kept in captivity by the accused.

The officer also said that his arrest was just a tip of iceberg. “We are now probing involvement of retired Colonel Ajay Ahlawat,” the officer said.

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