Zealandia referred to as 'Lost Continent' lies at a depth of 3800 feet

There are a total of seven continents in the world. But do you know that besides these, there is another continent on earth, which is also called the lost continent? Its name is Zealandia. Most of the land in this continent is submerged under the South Pacific Ocean and that too is at a depth of about 3800 feet. However, scientists are still trying to unravel the mystery. 

According to scientists, Zealandia was once part of the vast Gondwana continent and was separated from it about 75 million years ago. But a small part of it was saved from drowning in water, which is in present-day known as New Zealand. According to scientists, the area of this lost continent must have been around 43 lakh square km. This beautiful continent extends from the south of New Zealand to the north of New Caledonia and to the west of the Cane Plateau of Australia. However, a few years ago a map of this continent was also made by researchers.

Scientists had been engaged in research since 1995, about this new and lost continent and finally, its discovery was completed in the year 2017. According to the researchers, it fulfils all the criteria applicable to other continents of the Earth. For this reason, it is also called the eighth continent. According to the researchers, Zealandia has its own geology and its surface is considered to be thicker than the sea level. But many mysteries related to this continent still remain a mystery, such as how it was made and then how it was broken and how it turned into such a big one.

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