Strengthen your nails with the help of garlic

If the nails are weak, they are at risk of breaking. They also become weak due to lack of calcium and continue to break down. Due to this, many girls do not fulfill their hobby of having long nails and applying nail polish. But do you know that this problem can be overcome with the use of garlic? If your nails also keep breaking then you can use garlic. Garlic has antiseptic properties, so if the fungus or bacteria is the cause of nail weakness, this problem goes away and helps the nails to become healthy again. Know how to use it.

How to use Garlic can be used in many ways to strengthen nails. We are telling some easy and effective ways:

Garlic water Take water in a bowl and cut two or three garlic cloves into it. Let them submerge for 15 minutes and then take the garlic out of the water. Soak hands washed with soap in this water for 10 minutes and then wash hands with simple water.

Nail polish and garlic Take four cloves of garlic and make a paste. Mix this paste with transparent nail polish in an empty nail paint bottle. Shake the bottle properly and then apply nail polish on the nail with the help of a brush. Leave it for one to two hours and then wash it with warm water. After this, remove the mixture from the nails.

Garlic and Olive Oil Take one spoon of olive oil in a bowl and put two crushed garlic buds in it. Add a little lemon juice to it. Apply the mixture on the nails with the help of a brush and wash hands after an hour.

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