The Perfect Way To Remove Nail Polish and Leave No Stains

The nails make your hands beautiful and it needs to be kept clean. All girls keep on using a variety of colored nail polishes. The result is that the nail is covered with scum and the color of the nail polish also rises, which looks as real as the color of the nail. If nail polish leaves a stain on your nail, let's know how to fix it.

Add a few drops of cuticle oil to the nail so that a fraction of the stain that accumulates on the nail is removed. This breaks the seal of the frozen polish, which makes the remover easily move inside the nail skin to remove stains.

If Stan is still on your nails, you can use oil-rich acetone to reduce the color with half-colored nails. Place the cotton shell in acetone on the nail and clean it with the cotton shell after leaving for ten minutes.

Finally, soak the old toothbrush in a mixture of baking soda and water to clean it. The bleaching properties of baking soda will help to clean the stain.

Lemons are also natural bleaching agents who have the ability to clean the stains of nail polish. Keep your nails in a lemon juice bowl for 15 minutes. After that, wash your hands with warm water and place moisturizing lotions on it. You'll only notice the difference when you do it twice a week.

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