Actress Kennedy McMann's says show 'Nancy Drew' is mixture of different genres

Hollywood actress Kennedy McMann has spoken many things about her show. The actress says that her show 'Nancy Drew' is a mixture of mystery, drama and comedy. McMann said, "I would say that the show is of a particular genre. I mean, it's a mystery, it's a play, but at the same time, it's a light comedy. But still, it has elements where there's a thrill, I think it would be exciting for the audience to actually see it. "

In fact, 'Nancy Drew' is a modern re-imagining of classic teen novels depicting new mysteries and supernatural events. It is about Nancy Drew, who finds herself involved in a mystery when she and her friends are also involved in a murder case.

When asked why she would like a re-imagining of 'Nancy Drew', she replied, "I think the history that Nancy Drew wrote as a character is extraordinary, and she has worked as a heroine for many generations. I think this is a modern Nancy, she is relatable, she is such that her experiences and struggles will relate with the audience. I think it makes people like the show. "

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