NASA has prepared a plan to save Earth from Supervolcano

American Space Agency NASA has prepared a plan to save the world from the havoc of the volcano. There is a volcano in Yellowstone Park, America that has the ability to destroy the entire world. Now scientists are working on such a strategy to prevent this 'supervolcano' from exploding.

According to NASA researchers, a solution can be solved by digging in the base of this volcano. He said that after excavation, water can be poured to cool the volcano with the help of high pressure water jets.

This can prevent the volcano from bursting: The solution of the volcano can excavate in the base Brian Wilcox of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) said there are many dangers to dig in Volcano.

He said, "If you dig up the Magma Chamber and try to cool it from there, then it can be a very risky job. This can be part of the top of the magma chamber and fragile and it can break. If this happens then such a poisonous gas can get out, which will be harmful to the environment."

Can cause a hunger-like condition: They said the danger of superwalkenano is also bigger than the asteroid or the threat of comets. He said that if this explosion in the Supervolcano, then it will affect the earth for a long time. It is believed that due to this there will be a situation like hunger in the world of poverty and sulfur oxides will spread in large amounts in the environment.

The website of the US Geological Survey said that Yellowstone, according to an estimate, bursts once every 6 million years. The last time it was cracked almost 6 million years ago Now NASA has planned to dig into Yellowstone's 10 km area. Explain that there is such a terrible explosion in the volcano after 1 million years on Earth. The most recent explosion in Supvolcano was in 27 thousand years ago in New Zealand's North Island.

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