National Commission for Women 2017 report suggested every 2 women get harassed daily on their workplace.

India may surpass first world nation in terms of economic growth, but when it comes to women empowerment, the Asian giant cuts a sorry figure. The latest numbers from the National Commission for Women report just proves the pathetic state of affairs. Sample suggest that two women were harassed at their workplace daily in 2017, with Uttar Pradesh topping the 'shame list'. The women panel's report for the year 2017 says that on an average, the NCW received 1.7 complaints per day, a Times of India report said on Sunday. The Commission got 539 complaints with maximum coming from UP, Delhi, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh and Haryana. But the panel feels that this is just a minuscule number, a tip of the proverbial iceberg as majority of victims still don't report such matter either to the local police or to the Commission.


In last four years, the Commission has received just 1,971 complaints. With #MeToo trending all this year in post Harvey Weinstein expose era, there has been a greater understanding among the women about this issue. Now, the stigma attached to such cases is giving way to women speaking openly about their horrifying experiences. The trend was also responsible for finally making the Indian Inc responsible towards the issue with the Corporate Ministry making it mandatory for all companies to make full disclosure on their compliance with thea Sexual Harassment Act. It should be noted that this was a two-year-old demand by the Maneka Gandhi's ministry, which was accepted only in 2017.   

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