December 24 is observed as National Consumer Day in India. The Consumer Protection Act of 1986 has received the President's approval on this day. Many people are confused between World Consumer Day, Which is celebrated on 15th March, and National Consumer Day, which is celebrated on 24th December. However, both days have similar intentions but they arrive on different dates. We must first grasp who a consumer is and why it is necessary to understand them before we can comprehend the significance of this day. Consumers are defined as those who pay for the goods and services they use and consume. Any person who uses a service or buys milk or another food item is considered a consumer. Why is National Consumer Day Important to Celebrate?: Since the buyer and seller connection involves money, which is both the most beneficial thing to humanity and the greatest threat, it is crucial to observe National Consumer Day. The government has set prices and rates for practically all goods and services, but the majority of vendors play a sneaky game and quote costs that are higher than those set by the government, endangering consumer rights. For there to be equity in prices and the prices that consumers pay for goods, there must be sufficient awareness, which is why National Consumers Day is significant. The Consumer Protection Act was created to protect consumers from various forms of market exploitation, such as varying prices and receiving inferior or different items. Following the president of India's permission, the act came into effect in 1986. It was created because it was believed that the public needed to be informed of the provisions the government was making for its citizens.