Indian public confident to eradicate Coronavirus

The havoc of Corona has affected the whole world. The world has stopped because of the virus. Now it has become clear that India is a country that keeps the feeling of hope alive at every moment. It is the positive energy of this country that instead of going from depression, people seek opportunity to move forward on new paths. The country has shown a unique combination of restraint, service, dedication, cooperation, satisfaction and determination in this difficult period. New difficulties of innovation are seen in the difficulties of lockdown. Certainly this is a time of determination with a strong mind for service and dedication.

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The responsibility of standing against this formidable situation is also on the shoulders of 1.25 billion. It should be remembered that in this great war against Covid-19, the world's top superpowers like America and Europe are seen to be helpless. The world-class model of health and prosperity seems innocent and helpless. It was not possible for India to remain untouched even in this era of globalization, but it is a matter of satisfaction and relief that we and our country are better off against this invisible parasite than all the powerful countries of the world. Although cases of infection have increased now, this rate is still lower than European countries and America. Countries like America and Brazil are asking for help from India. The World Health Organization is looking forward to recover in India's steps against Covid-19. After seeing the situation of Italy and America having the world's best medical system, it is astonishing for global organizations how comparatively India has been able to control the virus?

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Understanding the answer to this question, the humanitarian policy of the government and the resolving power of the citizens is seen to be coordinated. During the impending crisis of this virus, the Modi government had two options. First, the government would either put human life on the second priority, prioritizing the economic interests of the country, or second, it would have followed a policy of protecting 'human life' by shutting everything down. The government opted for the second option and declared the 'complete lockdown', moving ahead in this fight with the intention of protecting 'human life'. This was a step which no developed country of the world could show. The Upanishad sentence said, 'bodhāmādyam khalu dharmakārasam', that is, the body is the means to fulfill all duties. The Modi government gave priority to this and placed economic interests second. On this step of the Modi government, the people of the country also showed the same sentiment, which is expected from a society with human sensibilities. The way in which the spirit of vigilance, restraint, service, dedication and unwavering resolve is shown in a country with a hundred and a hundred crore people.

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