Know why is national vaccination day celebrated in India?

New Delhi: The corona epidemic has created havoc all over the country, and the coronavirus has once again highlighted the importance of vaccination. More than 26 lakh people have lost their lives due to coronavirus all over the world. The national immunization day is being observed in the country today, which has come at the right time. The corona vaccination drive is also continuing in India, including many countries in the world.

In India, 16 March is celebrated every year as National Immunization Day. The National Immunization Day was first observed on 16th March 1995. On this day, the first dose of polio vaccine was given in the mouth in India in the year 1995. The campaign to eradicate polio from India was launched by the Government through the pulse polio campaign. Under this comprehensive program, 2 drops of polio vaccine were given to all children under 5 years of age. Since then, polio cases gradually decreased and eventually stopped. In 2014, India was declared a polio-free country.

In the past two decades, vaccines have become an integral tool in fighting dangerous diseases. This has led to the lives of millions of people from highly lethal diseases like tetanus, polio, and TB. All of them know the importance of vaccination for all the people of the world. The importance of the vaccine has been estimated to all, especially during the corona epidemic. A vaccine is the most effective way to prevent deadly and dangerous diseases.

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