Natural remedies to sleep better !

There’s a wonder drug that many of us don’t know about and that is a Good Night Sleep!

Sleep slows aging and cuts down your risk of metabolic and cardiovascular diseases.It fights infections and boost your memory and cognitive function.However, too many of us suffer from lack of sleep and the consequences are bad.

The National Institute of Health (NIH) estimates that 1/3 of adults in the U.S gets less than 7 hours of sleep, and this is associated with many health risks.

Here are some of the remedies that could help you sleep better.

Eat healthy – Eat plenty of green vegetables and fruits. Exercising regularly – Exercise gets you tired at the end of the day which helps you sleep better. Avoid too much consumption of caffeine and alcohol Avoid heavy meals which keeps you up at night. Ayurveda recommends dabbing sesame seed oil on the soles of feet, behind the ear and the crown of the head for a good night sleep. Avoid exposure to electronics such as TV and phones for a couple of hours before you sleep. Include a daily de-stressing ritual like music, knitting or a warm bath that will help you relax and de-stress.

Try out these remedies and see if it helps you get that good night sleep.

Sleep tight, and good night!

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