New rules of alcohol ban for Bihar officials

Bihar bureaucrats and judicial officers cannot consume liquor or any intoxicating substances even when outside the state, which is under total prohibition and would face departmental proceedings if they do so say by Chief Minister of Bihar Nitin Kumar.

Bihar is the first state to have such restrictions for officials and judges. Prior to the latest amendment, government servants were not allowed to drink in public or be found inebriated while on duty. But now, after the new amendment, they cannot even take any intoxicating substances even if they are outside Bihar, or India for that matter. And the amendment promises departmental action against those found consuming liquor anywhere in the world, punishment could include demotions, salary cuts or even expulsion.

The state government had banned liquor consumption on April 5 last year. Since then, over 30,000 persons have been arrested and a huge amount of liquor has been seized by excise sleuths and police officials.  

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