New Zealand, Cook Islands announce quarantine-free travel bubble

New Zealand and the Cook Islands will let people travel between the countries without quarantine, its leaders have announced. New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and her Cook Islands counterpart Mark Brown announced on Saturday an "arrangement to facilitate quarantine-free travel" between the two South Pacific countries.

 The arrangement with the Cook Islands would be New Zealand's first reciprocal travel bubble since the COVID-19 pandemic prompted border closures around the world. On Saturday, leaders of the two countries stated officials were making arrangements so as to enable to start quarantine-free travel from the first quarter of 2021.

The two Prime Ministers and their cabinets have instructed officials to continue working together to put in place all measures required to safely recommence two-way quarantine-free travel in the first quarter of 2021, Xinhua news agency quoted a joint statement as saying.

Prime Minister Brown welcomed the development, noting that the free movement of people between New Zealand and the Cook Islands is central to "our close relationship and integral to the Cook Islands' recovery from Covid-19 impact".

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