No country or company can avoid the horrific year 2023 for the global economy

USA: It is clear from this leading indicator that not only the IT industry but the entire global economy is on the verge of a severe recession. Therefore, no company is immune to any location, due to macroeconomic conditions.

In an enterprise environment, there are some things you need to be aware of now. First, because of the layoffs, anything subscription-based will experience a drop in business.

The other issue is overspending which has happened as a result of COVID. Everything went online, everything turned to a software-centric focus and digitization became the universal language.

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All those things are now just relics of the past, and will be brought to an end. The year 2023 will be extremely brutal for the world economy and no country or company can escape it.

Every sector that attempted to invest in alternative technologies during COVID, such as working from home, horizontal scalability, cloud computing and everything related to it, appears vulnerable.

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Since it will affect the entire economy, it is not specific to one nation, one business or one industry. All such companies will have to bear the brunt of this.

Every company in the tech pack will suffer losses now or in the future. However, there may be circumstances where some businesses disclose information and others do not.

Accenture is open and honest, but they weren't completely honest when they reported bad news. If Accenture discloses the situation as it is, their customers will assume it is an Accenture-specific issue.

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However, one should keep in mind that since September, we have been completely negative towards all technology companies due to the fact that no company can escape the current macroeconomic conditions.

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