No Need for Panic Over Singapore Covid Wave: TN Govt

Tamil Nadu Government Reassures Public Amid New Covid Wave in Singapore: The Tamil Nadu government has assured residents that there is no need for panic over the new Covid wave in Singapore, describing it as a "milder infection." Dr. T S Selvavinayagam, Director of the Directorate of Public Health and Preventive Medicine (DPHPM), stated on Wednesday that the state has the necessary infrastructure to handle any situation.

Dr. Selvavinayagam addressed concerns about the new variants of Covid-19, particularly the KP.2 sub-variant of Omicron, which has been reported in some parts of India. He clarified that there have been no significant hospital admissions related to this variant.

"In the last few weeks, there have been reports of Covid cases in South Asian countries like Singapore. As far as Tamil Nadu is concerned, there is no need for apprehension," he reassured.

According to official data, India has recorded 290 cases of the KP.2 variant and 34 cases of the KP.1 variant, both of which are contributing to the surge in cases in Singapore.

Dr. Selvavinayagam emphasized that the KP.2 variant has so far caused only mild infections in India, with no reports of severe illness. He also highlighted Tamil Nadu's vaccination efforts, stating, "We have almost fully vaccinated the 18-plus population. Even if there is an infection, it will likely be mild and not require hospitalization."

Precautionary measures advised by the DPHPM include wearing masks in public places and extra caution for the elderly, those with underlying health conditions, and pregnant women.

"Covid has become a common respiratory infection, similar to the flu. There may be one or two waves per year, but there is no need for panic," Dr. Selvavinayagam added. "Tamil Nadu has sufficient immunity and the necessary infrastructure to manage any situation."

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