No time for exercise, so do deskercise !

In a busy schedule, we often find don’t time to do workout, But working out never need a particular place you can do it anywhere with anything, all you need to know the right technique.Today, we tell you some workout will help you to stay fit in the office too.

Get those reliable shoulders: Place one hand at the back of your lower back for support and hold a bottle in the other hand.Lift the bottle over your head, and while bringing it down, make sure that your elbow and shoulder are parallel to each other at a 90 degrees angle. Do two sets of 10 repetitions each.

Cubicle dip- Use a sturdy desk, sit or stand at the edge and then place your hands on either sides of your body and get a firm grip on the desk’s edge. Place your feet on the floor two steps away from the desk or chair, then straighten up your arms to lift the body. Bend your arms to reach a 90 degrees angle, which allows your body to dip down. Then hold and re-straighten while keeping your body raised above the chair or desk. Do three sets of 8-10 repetitions.

Bottle curls: Make use of your water bottles to work out your biceps in the office. Fill the water bottle completely. Stand straight with the water bottle in each hand at arm’s length. Keep your upper arms stable and curl the bottle while contracting your biceps. Then slowly lower the bottle back to the original position. Do it simultaneously for maximum affect. Do three sets of 8-10 repetitions.

Jump and celebrate: Celebrate a promotion by doing jumping squats. Use your chair as cushion. Place your feet shoulder width apart. Then squat down until your hips slightly touch the chair. When your hips touch the chair, then explosively jump up in the air and land quietly. Do two-three sets of 10 repititions.

Casual calves workout: Here is how you sculpt your calves. The next time you head to the printer to collect some printed documents, just stand with your legs and shoulder width apart. Then, press up onto your toes and raise and then stop for 5 seconds, then come back down slowly. If you want to make it a bit more challenging, then do it standing on one leg .


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