Now customers will not be able to try clothes before buying

Indore: Clothes will also be quarantined to reduce the risk of infection. Not only this, but the clothes will also be kept in UV rays to get rid of the infection and after that, the steam press technology will be used. Buyers of readymade garments will no longer be allowed to try clothes before buying. From Sitalamata Bazaar, the city's oldest market, to various showrooms, are now preparing to open shops soon following the guidelines issued by the state government.

They have decided that the customers will not be able to see every ready-made garment. The clothes will be quarantined if any of the customers will try them on. The clothes will be kept in ultraviolet light to make them free of infection. Sitalamata Bazar Association has decided that no facilities like trying clothes will be allowed. The challenge before everyone is how the city's dense market and malls can be saved from the grip of infection.

The shopkeepers agree on getting the shops sanitized, while many shopkeepers have also decided that they will allow not only the salesmen but also the customers to come to the shop only after wearing masks and gloves. Apart from this, arrangements will also be made for all to follow the rules of physical distancing. Some showroom operators are giving their regular customers the opportunity to shop at home through social media. For this, through WhatsApp calling, they will give an opportunity to customers to buy clothes. 

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