Govt's big decision not to give petrol-diesel without vaccination certificate

Dhanbad: In Dhanbad, Jharkhand, the municipal department has signed a one-of-a-kind order to promote corona vaccine. According to the order, petrol station employees must demand a vaccination proof from anyone before giving peteol and diesel. He should only be given petrol or diesel if he possesses a certificate. The decree, according to the government, was made to promote immunisation and its importance in the district.

In fact, corona vaccination is slow in Dhanbad. As a result, the local government has issued an order to raise public awareness about vaccines and speed up vaccinations. Additional District Magistrate Kumar Tarachand said the order aims to ensure full immunization in the district.

They further said that all drivers have been ordered to carry a vaccination certificate with them at all times. All petrol pump operators have also been given orders in this respect. The district government is also inspecting all petrol pumps to ensure compliance with the directive, he said.

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