NRL Official Arrested on Rape Charges

Guwahati: The Assam Police on Friday arrested Nihar Prasad Sharma, a senior officer of Numaligarh Refinery Limited (NRL) in Guwahati, for raping his colleague, a lady engineer. He works in NRL as Deputy General Manager. In the FIR, the woman alleged that Sharma raped her on July 19 this year at his official residence  after consuming alcohol. Its complaint was lodged on Thursday at Numaligarh police station in Golaghat district. Sharma is absconding since the FIR was registered. He was arrested from Guwahati on Thursday night. Police have registered a case of rape against the accused and further action is being taken.

As per the latest reports, Sharma was found positive for coronavirus after his medical examination was done (routine process) and he has been admitted to a hospital in Golaghat. Earlier, the woman had lodged a complaint with the higher authorities of Numaligarh Refinery in connection with the incident. The NRL employees' association had also brought the matter to the attention of the NRL's chief general manager by registering a complaint. The oil company, however, tried suppressing the matter, reports said.

It has been reported that the incident of rape came to light on August 4, but the woman engineer did not file any complaint before the police. However, she lodged a complaint before the refinery's internal women committee, but the refinery authority did not any action. It was probably the second incident of the arrest of a person in the state in the past three months for allegedly raping his colleague. A 34-year-old doctor was held in June this year for allegedly raping a female colleague in the Dibrugarh district.


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