OB Vans and cars of TV channel damaged by unknown persons

West Bengal: The OB vans and  cars of the Bengali news channel late last night has been damaged by some unknown persons. The damaged vans and car of '24 Ghanta News Channel' were parked in the parking area of the office which is located in Poddar Court area when the incident took place.

Anirban Choudhury, editor of  24 Ghanta as per sources news said "We are shocked by the incident. We have been parking our cars and OB vans in this area for the past 11 years and nothing has happened. Going by the damage it seems that the person or the group who are responsible for it have grudge against 24 Ghanta because no other vehicle was damaged".

The FIR in relation with the case has been filed by the authorities of Channel in the local Police Station. As per the reports, the Police officer said "We are looking into the matter. CCTV footage of the area has been collected and we are examining them".

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