Oily skin people, make cornstarch your friend

Oily skin demands a bit more attention. Sebaceous glands become more active on oily skin. Therefore it is right to use corn starch for oily skin. To remove sunburn, mix cornstarch with curd and apply it. This removes tanning from the face.

Mix one spoon curd, a spoonful of Cornstarch in a vessel, use it as a mask. After drying, clean it with water. After this, take olive oil on the skin and lightly patch it and then moisturize. If there is a problem of black heads, then add a spoonful vinegar and one spoon cornstarch to remove it. Rinse for 2 minutes with the help of toothbrush, clean it with water after it.

Apply it three times a week. Cornstarch is used for bleach, it removes stains of facial scars. Make a paste by taking one spoon cornstarch, one spoon turmeric, one spoon baking soda and 2 spoons lemons. Put it on the face for 15 minutes. After that wash with cold water. This will reduce the scars of spots.

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