Scientists discovered 430m old Shrimp, named it after Sir David Attenborough

Sir David Attenborough has the two achievements added in his list- research ship, dinosaur and flightless weevil and now, he has got one more discovery in his list. Recently, the team of scientists from the University of Leicester have discovered the 430 million old shrimp and named it after David. 

David Siveter, who discovered the oldest shrimp said, “Such a well-preserved fossil is exciting, and this particular one is a unique example of its kind in the fossil record, and so we can establish it as a new species of a new genus.”

David further added in his statement, “Even though it is relatively small, at just nine millimeters long, it preserves incredible detail including body parts that are normally not fossilized. It provides scientists with important, novel insights into the evolution of the body plan, the limbs and possible respiratory-circulatory physiology of a primitive member of one of the major groups of Crustacea.” 


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