Omega 3 fatty acids or Fish Oil helps to support pregnancy in these multiple ways…read inside

According to new research, omega 3 fatty acids or fish oil can help avert pregnancy complications premature birth, neonatal death and miscarriage. The infection caused by the bacteria F. nucleatum which is known to affect the placenta in pregnant women. ‘Hormonal changes during pregnancy can cause inflammation and bleeding in the gums, which affects between 30 and 100 per cent of pregnant women. Bleeding gums create an entryway for bacteria to leak into the bloodstream. Once in the circulatory system, the bacteria can migrate to the placenta and cause inflammation there, sometimes triggering miscarriage or stillbirth,’ according to information shared in a news release.

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One of the most effective ways of combating this infection is by supplementation of omega-3 fatty acids because they are known for their anti-inflammatory properties. According to one of the researchers fish oil, which is rich in omega-3 fatty acids which are already recommended for pregnant women to support fetal development, can also help inhibit inflammation and bacterial growth and thus help in reducing preterm births, miscarriages, and stillbirths.

Intake of Omega 3 fatty acids during pregnancy is known to be extremely beneficial for the baby’s brain and eyesight. Fatty acids found in foods like fish help to shape the nerve cells that are relevant to eyesight and particularly the retina. They are also important in forming the synapses that are vital for the transport of messages between neurons in the nervous system. According to a study, long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids within the fish, along with other nutrients like vitamins D and E are responsible for brain development.

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Did you know that omega 3 fatty acids can also help you conceive? Studies have shown that having about 2-3 portions of fish in a week can help you conceive and stock up on protein reserves.

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