On which hand we should wear watches according to the rules of etiquette?

Wristwatches are an assistant, a great gift and a good investment. They not only allow their owner to navigate in time but determine the status and complement the image of a person, as you can see in the photo. Certain etiquette terms apply to the watch. What wrist should you wear them according to the rules?

The history of time, or how the watches changed everything

Now watches are a familiar accessory. Not so long ago they were a purely feminine decoration and were called a bracelet. Wearing them was considered bad manners.

Everything changed in the war years, when pilots, performing combat missions, noticed the inconvenience of pocket watches. Soon the idea was born to fasten the watch with a wrist strap.

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It is ideal to have in the arsenal of four different versions of this accessory:

everyday; addition to a business suit; for sports; for a special occasion.

The latter option is better to purchase from a world-famous brand in order to impress partners in business negotiations.

How to wear a watch according to etiquette

Watches are an everyday attribute that is also a stylish accessory. With their appearance, the question arose on which wrist to properly wear a watch according to etiquette.

On which hand are men wearing watches

In most cases, men prefer the left side, which is associated with right-handedness. This fact is based on practicality. As a result, greater functionality of the right side is preferred to be worn on the left hand, thereby protecting them from damage due to carelessness.

The main reasons for this are:

safety during daily work; mechanism of the plant from the convenient side; moisture protection; developed a habit.

For men, watches are an important attribute. According to etiquette, they determine the position of a person in society and the level of wealth.

On which hand do women wear a watch?

For the female, there are several other selection criteria. Initially, the watch was a piece of jewelry, which ideally should have matched other accessories on the hand. In the case when a woman has a wedding ring on her right hand and there is no wedding ring on her left one, it is better to put a watch on her left wrist.

Etiquette sets the rules for wearing a watch. They have to:

fit snugly to the wrist; easy to rotate on the arm; be closer to the elbow; shift by the arm.

There are limitations on the size of the clock: it is not allowed to be too bulky or too miniature.

What does wikipedia say?

On which hand a watch is worn by etiquette, on Wikipedia it is described as follows. Business etiquette rules provide for wearing this accessory on the left wrist for both men and women. It speaks about refined manners and business qualities of their owner. The accessory should not be defiant and at the same time too look out from under the cuff.

However, Wikipedia indicates that etiquette does not preclude wearing both on the right and on the left. Any option does not imply a bad taste or bad parenting.

Various theories about the correctness of the choice of hand

According to ancient Chinese philosophy, energetically active points responsible for human health are located precisely on the wrist. The man - on the left wrist, the woman - on the right. According to this theory, it is necessary to put any accessories that clasp the hand, to wear the men on the right hand, and the women on the left.

Left-handers wear a watch on the right wrist, right-handed on the left. The utilitarian theory explains this by the fact that it is more comfortable to work with one's hand without any extra load and it is more convenient to find out the time by looking at a hand that is free.

According to stylists, you can wear an accessory on any wrist. The main thing is that the watch emphasizes the overall image of the person and corresponds to the chosen style of clothing.

An unequivocal answer does not give etiquette. The choice will help your own preferences and taste. Practicality may be the decisive aspect to choose. You can experiment and, alternating, wear on both wrists to decide which side is more comfortable in terms of convenience and personal sensations.


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